Adam Quay Remembers Bobby Sheehan

It was October 5th, 1994. BT was playing at the Carolina Concert Stage in Charleston, SC. This was to be my 5th show, and my first accompanied by my girlfriend at the time, Tracey. I had turned her on to BT with the release of Four and she knew almost all the songs. I had also convinced my brother to finally make it to a show, hoping he would finally appreciate my favorite band for what they could do live.

We were down close to the stage, on Bob's side, where Tracey and I stayed for the entire show. The first song was Fallible, and John ripped right into the solo, just like they do the song on Four. Just as he reached the crescendo in came Bob--"Booove-Booove", and the entire crowd, from one end of the stage to the other, started moving up and down in unison, as if a powerful swell rolled in from the coast and washed across the room. I looked at my brother and seeing his mouth and eyes wide open, I thought, "Now he knows."

I will forever see in my mind how solid Bob was at this show. Chan and John were both masterfully frenetic, kinetic from beginning to end. Bren was head down, arms and legs pumping, not missing a beat.

And Bob was SOLID. His feet didn't move much, but his fingers did. Up and down the frets of his bass, fast, faster, faster, when it was needed, slowing it down and redirecting the groove before it spun out of control, yet always with a grace and ease that was simply SOLID. He was the anchor that kept the show tied down. He had always served this role, but this was the first time where I truly began to notice.

I know longer remember what point in the set it was, but John introduced the next song, Mountains Win Again. Tracey and I yelled in unison "All right Bobby!" and he looked up from adjusting something on his bass, first with surprise and then with a most appreciative smile. I gave him a thumbs up and he threw one back at me. I can still see him smiling that way at me today, and I am grateful for that brief moment, eye to eye with the bassman, when he knew that at least two people in the room knew who wrote that song and that we loved him for it.

I miss you Bob, and I thank you for everything you shared with us,

Adam Quay